Saturday, December 5, 2015

Use Gradle to remove 2-digits prefix in filenames recursively

What we have:

We want to remove all the number prefixes in the songs' names. Something like this


FileCollection collection
File srcDir = new File('Taylor Swift')

task rename {

    println 'pwd'.execute().text

    def list = []

    srcDir.eachFileRecurse(FileType.FILES) { file ->
        list << file
    list.each {

def changeName(File file) {

    String regex = "^[0-9][0-9].*"    String originalName = file.getName()

    boolean b = originalName.matches(regex);

    if (b) {
        String newname = originalName.replaceFirst("[0-9][0-9]\\s", "")
        File newNameFile = new File(file.getParent(), newname)

        println newNameFile



Script to change all name prefix in a directory

The unix script to remove all file name prefix of 2 digits. example :
03 What is this about.txt

for name in [0-9][0-9]*
    newname="$(echo "$name" | cut -c4-)"
    mv "$name" "$newname"
    echo ${newname}

This uses bash command substitution to remove the first 3 characters from the input filename via cut, and stores that in $newname. Then it renames the old name to the new name. This is performed on every file.
cut -c4- specifies that only characters after index 4 should be returned from the input. 4- is a range starting at index 7 with no end; that is, until the end of the line.
